CCUS 2019: Capturing the clean growth opportunities 

The development of Carbon Capture Usage and Storage (CCUS) is a priority infrastructure challenge for the UK. 

The change in our energy sector over the last decade has been dramatic but is only a foretaste of what is to come as countries and companies move to a net-zero world. This transformation will be unprecedented and CCUS is essential to ensure that the energy transition will benefit every part of the economy, going further into power as well as industry, heating and transport.  

CCUS 2019: Capturing the clean growth opportunities, a one day conference in London on Wednesday 6th November, will provide industry, partners, stakeholders and policymakers with the latest developments in this fast moving sector.  

CCUS is a central pillar of the Government’s industrial strategy, clean growth and low carbon policies. The importance of CCUS to multiple areas of the economy requires the rapid development of a huge new industry. With a net-zero target now adopted by the UK, CCUS will enable the UK to realise these climate ambitions and support UK industrial regions to transition to a low carbon economy. CCUS also needs to be rolled out globally, providing the UK with opportunities for international leadership and creating new markets for services and the supply chain.          

CCUS 2019 will provide you with a detailed understanding of recent developments in CCUS and the opportunities that CCUS presents to your organisation. The conference will also enable networking between the CCUS industry, its customers and partners, researchers and policymakers.